Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Baroness Who Thinks People are Animals

For people who aren’t sure what all this “Culture of Death” talk means, let me share a little of what’s happening in Britain right now.

Meet Baroness Mary Warnock.

She’s a prominent British public figure who says things that sound quite outlandish. If you were a casual observer, there’s a good chance that you’d dismiss her as pretty nutty.

Big mistake.

Baroness W says what she means, and she means what she says. There’s a big chunk of the population, in Britain and elsewhere, who think she’s spot-on.

Here’s some background: Baroness W is a former headmistress, commission chair, and perfectly sane woman.

Her passion is undeniable.

Her ideas are dangerous.

She’s always had a pro-death outlook. Years ago, after initially coming out against euthanasia, she changed her mind, supposedly because she saw the benefit of euthanasia after the family doctor euthanized her husband.


Let’s also remember that this is the same Lady Warnock who, a while back, made the case for parents paying for their infants’ care, including for life support equipment, if those infants were judged as having little to no chance of leading healthy lives.

Several weeks ago, Lady W was at it again.

Here are some gems reported in the Times of London:

"I'm absolutely, fully in agreement with the argument that if pain is insufferable, then someone should be given help to die, but I feel there's a wider argument that if somebody absolutely, desperately wants to die because they're a burden to their family, or the state, then I think they too should be allowed to die.

"Actually I've just written an article called 'A Duty to Die?' for a Norwegian periodical. I wrote it really suggesting that there's nothing wrong with feeling you ought to do so for the sake of others as well as yourself."

"I think that's the way the future will go, putting it rather brutally, you'd be licensing people to put others down."

Just to review, Lady Warnock believes the following groups should be candidates for assisted suicide or euthanasia, or to use her chilling term for being “put down:”

(a) people experiencing insufferable pain

(b) those who absolutely want to die because they’re a burden to their family or the state, and

(c) those who feel they ought to die for their sake and for the sake of others.

This is a very large group of people identified by sweeping, undefined, and deliberately vague criteria.

Watch out, Put-Them-Down-Mary might be after someone you know.

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